"These are highly challenging times – although an obvious statement, sometimes it seems necessary to reiterate this fact to help people understand that they are not alone in thinking these types of negative thoughts. To be perfectly frank, times were already challenging before we ever heard of COVID-19. While scary, these uncertain and fragile days will not last forever and, in looking to the future with positivity, we can see that amongst the confusion and panic also lie opportunities - opportunities for self-growth, for greater compassion, for a collective rather than individualistic response, for strengthened attachment with our loved ones, and for change. COVID-19 appears to be serving as a global, collective wake up call. How can we use this experience as a call to action; A call to build our resilience and our compassion? What opportunities lurk beneath the surface of the COVID-19 fears, hassles, disruptions and challenges?
As you know, in this strange time of change, Blueberry Therapy has transitioned to supporting our clients virtually and is closed to in person visits as we participate in the collective effort to encourage social distancing. This presents an opportunity for us to further our connection and work in a new and interesting way. Once we get past the initial learning curve, we know that video and phone counselling is just as effective as in-person sessions. While I am not always a fan of technology, I find myself so grateful we have the opportunity to stay connected during a time like this – even if the means are a bit unconventional and imperfect.
This is not the time to put our healthcare appointments and self-care plans on the back burner - this is a time to ensure we stay physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually balanced. Daily check-ins can serve as a helpful and necessary barometer.
Ask yourself daily, or even hourly:
- What do I/we need right now?
- How can I meet these needs as best I can, given the circumstances?
- How do we hold onto hope during challenging times?
- Who can support me when I worry about burdening my loved ones with my own stress?
As we become more and more isolated, COVID-19 threatens more than our physical health - it brings with it an increased risk for depression, anxiety, domestic violence, child abuse, conflict, self-harm and suicide – and we can’t let it win.
We must fill our minds with positivity and support each other in whatever virtual and unconventional ways necessary. If you do not have insurance coverage I can offer some low cost or free resources to support you and your loved ones.

I leave you with this gentle suggestion:
Pick up the phone. Do not wait until there is an emotional breakdown.
Pick up the phone. Do not wait for stress to become unmanageable.
Pick up the phone. Be proactive. Get ahead of, not only the virus, but also your mental and emotional health during this period of physical isolation.
Mental well-being must be a top priority as the days and weeks drag on. We must remain emotionally well to support ourselves and our loved ones.
Reach out. Let's connect. I will hold space for you.
I wish you and your loved ones good fortune and privilege as we strive to embrace the opportunities that this experience brings.”

- A heartwarming note from Blueberry Therapy’s Cree Lambeck, Registered Psychotherapist