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Counselling/Social Work Services:

The purpose of counselling is to reduce strain, ease mental health concerns and increase your quality of life.  Individuals may seek counselling when they have thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviours that are adversely affecting their daily lives and relationships.  Social Workers/Counsellors work together with their clients to bring about positive change in their thinking, feeling, behaviour and social functioning.  This is done in a variety of ways including helping clients find solutions and make choices through the exploration of options, identification of strengths and needs, location of information and providing resources and promoting a variety of coping strategies.

Counselling Initial Intake:

The Initial Intake meeting allows the counsellor and client to further discuss the client’s mental health concerns.  During this intake appointment, information regarding family history, health history and social/emotional needs are discussed to help build the assessment picture.  Goals for therapy and a treatment plan are also determined at this meeting. 


Counselling Session:


Following the Initial Intake, counselling sessions are scheduled to implement the treatment plan and to address therapy goals.  We suggest weekly sessions at the start of counselling so that report can be built and a momentum can get started. 


We offer both in-person and virtual sessions for your convenience.


Learn More About Our Counselling Team:



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